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Zuberance's Social Sharing tools are designed to harness the power of genuine customer advocacy across a variety of social channels.


Social Sharing

Empower Authentic Advocacy on Major Social Platforms

Enable real customers to share their genuine experiences, amplifying your brand’s presence on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, TikTok, and YouTube.

Zuberance's Social Sharing tools are designed to harness the power of genuine customer advocacy across a variety of social channels.

True Advocacy Across Diverse Social Media

Zuberance’s Social Sharing tools are designed to harness the power of genuine customer advocacy across a variety of social channels. This channel-agnostic approach ensures that your brand’s message is authentically represented on major platforms, from the visual stories of Instagram to the interactive communities of Facebook, the dynamic streams of Twitch, the creative bursts on TikTok, and the engaging narratives of YouTube. These are your actual customers sharing their real experiences, offering a more authentic perspective compared to traditional influencers.

Cost-Effective Content Creation

One of the significant advantages of leveraging Zuberance for social sharing is the substantial cost benefit. By enabling real customers to create and share content for rewards, brands can enjoy a high volume of authentic, relatable content at a fraction of the cost associated with traditional influencer marketing campaigns. This approach not only saves resources but also ensures a stream of diverse and genuine content.

Authenticity and Influence

While large influencers are valuable in their own right, Zuberance shifts the focus to real customers — micro-influencers who have firsthand experiences with your brand. This form of advocacy brings an unmatched level of authenticity and trust to your marketing efforts, as these brand champions share their personal stories and experiences.

Streamlining Social Advocacy

Zuberance simplifies the process of managing social advocacy, offering tools to track and analyze the effectiveness of customer shares. This ensures that the authentic voices of your customers are amplified across social media, enhancing your brand’s reach and impact.

The Power of Customer-Driven Social Sharing

Real customer shares on social media are a potent blend of authenticity, reach, and cost-effectiveness.

In an era where authenticity is key, Zuberance’s Social Sharing platform empowers brands to capitalize on the genuine experiences of their customers, transforming them into the most credible advocates across the social media landscape.

  • Expansive Reach
    Utilize the diverse networks of real customers to penetrate new audience segments across various social platforms.
  • Credibility and

    Customer-driven content offers a layer of credibility and relatability that traditional influencer content may not always match.
  • Cost-Effective Strategy
    Leverage the authentic content created by customers as a cost-efficient alternative to traditional influencer marketing, maximizing your marketing budget.